Douglas B. Holmes

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Computer Program

CVE Quote app (business)

CVE Quote app: python code

This software was developed for a telecommunications company as a proof of concept.  The software is intended to help with the quotation process of typical installation, maintenance, and configuration contracts.  First a user fills out a form with contact information.  Next the user fills a table with items from 3 categories (data, power, and labor).  As the items are added, the software scrapes the distributors website for the current retail price data.  Once all the needed items are input with quantities, the software calculates supplier discounts, margins, subtotals, and totals that is displayed in a new more detailed table.

A custom spell check class has been written for this software.  Once the quote data is finalized the software can save, export, and compile the data in many formats including table data(xls, csv, tsv), proprietary file data (.cve), and even form letters(.pdf)

Mac OS standalone application
Preference file stored in OS library
Application menus
Preference tab 1
Preference tab 2 Preference tab 2 color wheel Preference tab 3
pref2 pref3
New File
Open proprietary file format
Custom Spell Check class
Right click to select correction
Loaded File
Add items categories
Add items product
Quantity of item
Finished item table
Detailed Table (tab 3)
PDF form letter